
Get Ready For Thanksgiving: A Gratitude Home and Gratitude Calendar

We teach gratitude by our actions more than by our words, so try to model what you want to see!

By Sandy Wallace October 23, 2023

Have you started to make Thanksgiving plans? Often, in the mad rush to Christmas, Thanksgiving gets left behind. How do you teach kids to be grateful? These suggestions will help you create a gratitude home:

Make today the day you start a new family tradition. Talk daily about the things for which you are thankful. 

Make a family gratitude tree or gratitude chain, having each person add something daily. 

Create a gratitude tablecloth and let each family member use a permanent marker to write something for which they are grateful. Or do what we did -- use dollar store leaves and write gratitude words on them for decoration.

As a family, sort through clothing and toys and donate things you don't use to a homeless shelter, preschool, church nursery or other organization. Talk with your kids about why we help others who are less fortunate. 

When you're tempted to complain about something, share something you're grateful for instead.

Focus on at least one person or thing for which you're grateful every day in November and count your blessings! Here's my list from a year or two ago (it's very similar every year), shared each day on social media and kept in my heart:

Nov. 1 - My parents
Nov. 2 - My siblings
Nov. 3 - My faith
Nov. 4 - My husband
Nov. 5 - Our children
Nov. 6 - Our grandchildren
Nov. 7 - Our grandparents
Nov. 8 - Our extended family and friends
Nov. 9 - The beauty of nature
Nov. 10 - New places and experiences
Nov. 11 - Veterans
Nov. 12 - The ability to choose joy and share love
Nov. 13 - America
Nov. 14 - The human spirit and perseverance
Nov. 15 - Giving organizations and the kindness of strangers
Nov. 16 - The Lynchburg running community and Meg's Milers and the four seasons
Nov. 17 - Hiking and outdoor recreation
Nov. 18 - Our oldest daughter's anniversary
Nov. 19 - Kids' extracurricular activities
Nov. 20 - Social media and keeping connected
Nov. 21 - Wonderful foods
Nov. 22 - President John F. Kennedy also games, playing, and recreation
Nov. 23 - Thanksgiving and our many blessings (will change date to Nov. 25 this year)
Nov. 24 - The animals in our lives, music and the arts
Nov. 25 - KU Jayhawks (my favorite sports team)
Nov. 26 - Christmas
Nov. 27 - Family gatherings and road trips
Nov. 28 - The mountains and the beach (and aren't we blessed to live so close to both!)
Nov. 29 - Photography, writing, and my media partners
Nov. 30 - Having enough

Feel free to use my ideas or create your own. In a nutshell, you teach gratitude by your actions more than by your words. We are blessed, so remember that when you feel stressed!