
Happy Thanksgiving From Our Family to Yours!

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to share the gift of gratitude with your children

By Sandy Wallace November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving from our Lynchburg Macaroni Kid family to your family! Like many families, we will spend time over the Thanksgiving weekend gathered as a family, enjoying delicious food, laughter, and love. On Thanksgiving and always, I try to choose gratitude for the many gifts in my life.

Several years ago, our family used foam leaf shapes and markers to create leaves of gratitude for our Thanksgiving table. We modeled our gratitude leaves after a Pinterest idea for a gratitude tablecloth and asked each guest to write something they were grateful for on a leaf. 

Whether your children are toddlers, teens or somewhere between, it's important to focus on being grateful for the gifts we all enjoy: freedom, family, love, friends, teachers, education, food, books, faith, and precious memories. 

Focusing on the gifts we already have instead of the stuff we want helps us choose gratitude on Thanksgiving and every day!

If you're looking for Thanksgiving crafts, recipes, and ways to share gratitude, check out our Thanksgiving guide

To start planning for Christmas, check out our Plan Ahead Christmas Holiday Guide, packed with shopping, holiday events, Santa sightings, Christmas parades, holiday light displays, ways to help others, holiday crafts, foods, gift giving, and fun.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to choose gratitude and share the gift of gratitude with your children. Make a gratitude tree for your fridge, a gratitude tablecloth, gratitude leaves, or just go around the table and let each person share one thing for which they are grateful before you eat. 

However you spend your Thanksgiving Day, we thank you for your support of Lynchburg Macaroni Kid every day of the year!