
12 Special Days to Remember in September

From teddy bears and patriots to cheeseburgers and families, September is filled with special days!

By Sandy Wallace August 29, 2022

September is coming and there are many fun days to celebrate as well as days to remember. Families around the country are adjusting to school day schedules. Fall festival season is straight ahead with fun for all!

Lynchburg and Central Virginia Fall Festivals and Fun: September 2022 - Let Lynchburg Macaroni Kid help you Find Your Family Fun® during September!

Here are 12 special days for your family to celebrate and remember during the month of September. 

Sept. 5 - Labor Day is a federal holiday for many workers in the United States. The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882, organized by the Central Labor Union as a holiday for workers. Labor Day is also traditionally celebrated as the last day of summer and many families plan a long holiday weekend getaway.
Check out Virginia and East Coast Labor Day Getaways: Beaches, Zoos, Outdoor Fun if you're planning a getaway.

Sept. 9 - National Teddy Bear Day got its start in 1902, when Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was President of the United States. While on a hunting trip, President Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear cub. As this incident spread around the country, a store owner in New York created a new toy, and with President Roosevelt's blessing, named it the "Teddy Bear." Celebrate National Teddy Bear Day in your family with a teddy bear picnic at one of our top 10 picnic sites in Central Virginia.

Sept. 11 - Patriot Day, a National Day of Service and Remembrance, is observed every year as we remember those who were injured and killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Businesses and individuals fly American flags at half-staff and many people observe a moment of silence at 8:46 AM, the time the first plane struck the World Trade Center. Here are Tips for Talking to Your Kids about 9/11 and Ways to Help Others on the National Day of Service and Remembrance

Sept. 11 - National Grandparents Day is a day to celebrate grandparents and is celebrated on the Sunday following Labor Day. If your child's grandparents (or your own grandparents) live nearby, plan a Sunday funday together. If your child's grandparents don't live nearby, call or Facetime with them, plan a Zoom chat, or make a video to share the fun with them.
Here are 20 ways to Celebrate the Love on Grandparents Day and here's 10 Ways to Connect with Family and Friends While Socially Distancing.

Sept. 12 - Video Games Day is a fun day to celebrate with the family. Pick your favorite system or try a new computer-based game. Check out old school games such as Pong, Asteroids, or Space Invaders or newer games such as Roblox, Minecraft, or Fortnite as you choose family-friendly video games to play together.

Sept. 16 - National Stepfamily Day is a day to recognize and celebrate blended families. In 1997, Cristy Borgeld founded National Stepfamily Day. According to Borgeld's LinkedIn page, the "Stepfamily Day Mission Is enhanced by our strong commitment to support the stepfamilies of our nation in their mission to raise their children, create strong family structures to support the individual members of the family, instill in them a sense of responsibility to all extended family members."

Sept. 17 - Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is a day when people across America recognize the anniversary of our country's constitution and the efforts and responsibilities of all of our citizens. Originally created in May 1940 as “I Am an American Day,” the name and date observed has changed through the years. In December 2004, a federal law was enacted to designate Sept. 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day”

Sept. 18 - National Cheeseburger Day is a great day to grill up some cheeseburgers for the family! There are many stories about how the cheeseburger was created, dating back to the 1920s. However the cheeseburger got its start, families everywhere are happy for this kid-friendly food. Share your photos on social media with the hashtag #NationalCheeseburgerDay and spread the word.

Sept. 19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day is a fun day for kids of all ages and their families. Whether or not you dress like pirates, celebrate the day by using pirate words whenever you're talking to friends and family. Some favorites are "Arrrr", "Ahoy", "Shiver me timbers", "Walk the plank", "Yo Ho Ho" and many other fun words and phrases. Learn the history of the day here, then make a pirate video and share on social media with the hashtag #TalkLikeAPirateDay.

Sept. 22 - September Equinox is celebrated as the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, one of the two days each year when the sun shines directly on the Equator and the length of day and night are nearly equal. In the Northern Hemisphere, the September Equinox is also known as the autumnal or fall equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the September Equinox is known as the vernal or spring equinox and is considered the first day of spring. Try this Fall Scavenger Hunt and Craft.

Sept. 24 - National Public Lands Day was established in 1994, is held every year on the fourth Saturday in September, and is the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort. All National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee offer free admission to everyone on National Public Lands Day.

Sept. 26 - Family Day is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Monday in September. Plan to share a meal together, enjoy family game night, ride bikes, go for a picnic, or just hang out together and Find Your Family Fun® with Lynchburg Macaroni Kid!

Fall family fun is just around the corner. Here's 12 Lynchburg and Virginia Fall Festivals You Don't Want to Miss!

We're continually adding events to the Lynchburg Macaroni Kid calendar of events. To add your organization’s fall festival, family-friendly event, or online offering to the list, message us at our Lynchburg Macaroni Kid Facebook page or click the “submit an event” link on our website. 

Lynchburg Macaroni Kid helps you Find Your Family Fun® every season in Lynchburg and throughout Central Virginia!