
Random Thoughts and Kindness Actions for Random Acts of Kindness Day

In every season, it's always the right time to just be kind!

By Sandy Wallace February 13, 2024

Random Acts of Kindness Week is observed this year from Feb. 14-20 and Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated on Saturday, Feb. 17, as a day to do kind deeds for others.

National Random Acts of Kindness Day has grown in popularity each year. It is celebrated by individuals, groups and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness.

As we often witness a lack of kindness in the news, every little bit of kindness helps!

Much has been written about kindness, and you can find t-shirts, mugs, and other items with kindness sayings on them in many stores. Some of my favorite kindness quotes are:

Kindness begins with me. - Unknown

Sprinkle kindness like confetti. - Unknown

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. - Jennifer Dukes Lee

Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows. - Robert Green Ingersoll

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. - Dalai Lama

Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time. - Ron Hall

Please be kind to all you meet today. - Sandy Wallace

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. - Princess Diana

Here are five ways you can be kind to those around you on Random Acts of Kindness Day and every day:

1. Think before you speak. Guide your words using these five questions before you speak: Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

2. Open the door for someone, both literally and figuratively. It's kind to hold a door open for someone, but it's even kinder to let your words and actions show others that you are available to talk and that you know how to be a good listener.

3. Be generous. Offer your time, talents, and treasure to those in need. Volunteer in your community. Donate clothing or money to an organization that provides help. Share a skill with your child's class or scout troop virtually.

4. Kindness begins at home. It's easy to be kind to a random stranger, but a little harder to be kind to family members. Even if your child is grumpy, be kind. Even if your partner isn't being helpful, be kind. When you show kindness, people follow your example.

5. Walk away from drama. Whether in the workplace, on social media, or in your own home, you don't have to buy into drama. When it begins, scroll you way past it or stroll on away. Don't be a drama llama!

Here's a couple of additional articles focusing on kindness: 

Random Acts of Kindness: 7 Ways to Make a Difference

Create a 'Swear Jar' to Remind Your Family to Speak with Kindness

You can find free K-8 lesson plans to incorporate kindness into your home or your child's school, download a 12 month workplace kindness calendar, and read stories about kindness on the Random Acts of Kindness website.

Just be kind is a mantra for all ages to adopt. Being kind to others doesn't cost anything, spreads joy to those you encounter, and teaches your kids to be kind too! Be Kind - pay it forward!

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