Thanks to a generous gift, all GIRLS who join Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline by September 30, 2022, will receive a FREE MEMBERSHIP for the upcoming membership year (October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023). And co-leaders can join for free with a new troop of eight or more girls. Learn more here:
Girl Scouts is open to girls in grades K-12th. Fun, friendship and new adventures are what Girl Scouts is all about. Girls make new friends, challenge themselves, write their own stories, and take action to change the world for the better.
Looking for an established troop?
Join local Girl Scouts for regular meetups and adventures! Search by your location (zip code or city/town) to find troop opportunities near you. If you do not see any nearby troops, expand the zip code radius.
Create a new troop:
Still no luck in finding a troop to join? Then it's time to start a new troop and let the fun & friends begin! Go back to the main page and select "VOLUNTEER" and start your Girl Scout journey to create a troop for you and your girl.
Find existing Girl Scout events:
Expand your world with fun, inspiring events for the whole family! Learn and experience Girl Scouting in your local community by attending a free local “Discover Girl Scouts” or “Starter Troop” event.
My personal testimony:
I was blessed to be a Girl Scout from Brownies through Seniors many years ago. In addition, I served as a council member for my Mom's troops through the years and as a volunteer leader for my daughters' Brownie and Junior troops. Girl Scouts was a wonderful adventure for me and for my daughters!
My Mom, Eunice Atkins, was my role model in Girl Scouts, as she was in all facets of life.
Mom served as a Girl Scout leader for more than 40 years, as leader of multiple Brownie and Junior troops, Neighborhood Chairman, Cookie Chairman, and historian for the Santa Fe Trail Council in Kansas. Mom earned the Thanks Badge, the highest honor bestowed on adult volunteers for ongoing commitment, leadership and service that benefited the entire Girl Scout Organization. She also earned the St. Anne Award, presented by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, for outstanding service of leaders to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in Girl Scouts USA.
If you have questions, reach out to: or 540-777-5100