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Special Needs Day at Beaver Dam Farm

Thursday September 12, 2019 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Beaver Dam Farm424 Wheatland RoadBuchanan VA 24066
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We have set aside a special day just for special needs children and adults! We will open the farm up one day during the week for special needs individuals to come visit. This event is for groups or individual families. This day is to help make it easier to maneuver with a limited crowd in attendance. Paths will be easier to stroll down, the noise level will be low and parking will be closer. $5 admission includes farm animal petting area, hay ride, learning how sunflowers grow and what products come from them and walking through the paths of the sunflower fields. Aids are free, parents and siblings $5. Enjoy our shade tents while having lunch or snack. Clean port-a-potties available.


All ages


$5 admission; aids are admitted freefree


Come to the farm, cash only for admission fee or purchase tickets in advance at

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