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Bedford Christmas Parade

Saturday December 7, 2019 11:00 am
Centertown Bedford, VirginiaMain StreetBedford VA

Notes regarding time

Rain date is Dec. 8 at 2 PM


December in Bedford is such a festive and magical place! There are brightly colored lights, beautifully placed decorations, and fun-filled activities for the whole family that are sure to make memories. There’s also an array of shops and restaurants that line the streets of our Centertown district with holiday specials that are sure to please everyone!

Come out and enjoy Bedford, Virginia's annual Christmas Parade!  The theme this year is "Celebrate Love", which coincides with The Bedford Welcome Center's Festival of Trees theme. Parade kicks off on Dec. 7 at 11am. If they are calling for rain and we decide to move the parade, the rain date is December 8th at 2pm.

Make sure to stay in town after the parade to enjoy local restaurants and shops in our Downtown Bedford! Christmas in Centertown and the Tree Lighting event will take place from 3pm - 6pm on December 7th.

Email for additional information.


Open to the public




Come to Centertown Bedford

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