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Join the Great American Campout This Summer

The Great American Campout is observed every year on the fourth Saturday in June

By Sandy Wallace May 25, 2023

Every year, the Great American Campout takes place in state parks and backyards across the country. National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Campout is part of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s Great Outdoors Month each June.

This year's campout weekend is June 23-25. Plan your own campout or join a group event at a Virginia State Park, where park rangers and staff will be on hand to offer guidance. 

At several Virginia State Parks, rangers will offer information and tips on backpacking, starting fires, and cooking over an open fire. You may also have the opportunity to explore the park at night and identify birds and creatures of the night. Camping is a great way to enjoy the great out-of-doors and make memories together.

These resources can help make your camping experience memorable!

Lynchburg VA Area Campground Guide

10 Tips for Camping With Kids

Try This Sweet S'mores Buffet at Your Next Campfire

Tips for First Time Campers - The National Wildlife Federation

Camping Games, Recipes, and Activities - The National Wildlife Federation

REI Tips for Camping with Kids

Great American Campout Event at Explore Park in Roanoke

Here's information about campgrounds in Virginia, including Virginia State Parks and state parks in the surrounding states.

Virginia State Parks Reservation website

North Carolina State Parks website

Maryland State Parks website

West Virginia State Parks website

KOA Campgrounds in Virginia

Blue Ridge Parkway Campgrounds

Camping in Shenandoah National Park

Here's some other outdoor events to check out in June:

June 2-4 - Free Fishing Days in Virginia all weekend throughout Virginia

June 3 - National Trails Day all day, everywhere

June 3 - Youth Fishing and Outdoor Experience at Smith Mountain Lake from 9:30 AM - 4 PM

June 17 - The Launch of the 38th James River Batteau Festival at Percival's Island at 11 AM

June 21 - Summer Solstice Lantern Sail at Timbrook Park begins at 8 PM (lanterns sail at dusk)

June 24 - Free Play Day at University of Lynchburg from 10 AM - 2 PM

Whether you camp in a tent in your backyard, an RV at a state park, or a cabin in the mountains, it's fun to get away from it all as a family and spend time outdoors! Don't forget marshmallows to make S'mores!

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